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    The RN100 UAV LiDAR payload is a high-performance system for steep terrain that requires an increased altitude above ground. The system takes advantage of an Advanced Navigations Certus Evo INS with the Quanergy M8 Ultra. It features:

    - 5mm RMSE at 100 meters AGL
    - Triple returns, 420K shots/s
    - 8 lasers
    - 2 year warranty
    Nextcore RN100

    High-Performance System for Steep Terrain


     Accurate down to

    Industry Leading Warranty of

    Functional AGL of

    Scan Rate of

    5 cm

    2 Years

    100 Metres

    420K shots/s

    Truly Turn-Key

    Nextcore is specifically designed to create perfect LiDAR point clouds, every time. No complicated software or convoluted workflows needed.


    Cloud-Based Processing

    Automated Cloud post-processing of Nextcore data removes the need for additional software and IT infrastructure to generate and manage LiDAR data.


    Accessible LiDAR

    Nextcore uses cutting-edge technology reducing the cost of capturing and processing high-quality spatial data.

    Automated Data Capture

    Combining Nextcore with the flight planning app of your choice allows you to capture perfect spatial data at the push of a few buttons.

    1. Connect & Fly

    The unit connects to the DJI M600 vibration isolator mounts (3 minutes) plug in power and connect to the DJI API port (optional). You are now ready to fly, no calibration required!


    2. Upload & Process

    Once landed, remove USB, open NextCore Fusion on a laptop and set parameters for processing, Add GNSS data from your chosen base station or subscription service (RINEX). Click process.


    3. Download & Deliver

    Once processing is complete (3 times flight time) your .LAZ is ready for viewing and delivery.


    NextCore Fusion


    Nextcore Fusion


    Nextcore Fusion is an automated cloud post-processing solution that removes the need for additional software and infrastructure to generate and manage LiDAR data. An automated QC and cloud-based  processing solutions allows the processed data to be waiting for you by the time you are back in the office.

    Processing time is generally three times your flight time and allows you to select flight lines, distance from scanner, point cloud density, flight line overlap, and more.

    You can download datasets from 60m, 80m, 100 and even 120m flights from here: